Program 2018: The Festival!

On Saturday August 18 we’ll be presenting the first ever film festival in Katrineholm. Five films shown, plus various bobs and bits in between. The festival takes place inside the solar panel park run by ETC. The park is like an extended showroom for alternative energy solutions, soon to become mainstream. Check out their site for pics, presentation, and directions –

Gnsta Riso 2

Riso-printed posters, Gnesta

Inside one of the greenhouses, among the tomato plants, we’ve got a couple of films going on repeat, from around five o’clock. One of the films is Donna Haraway: Storytelling For Earthly Survival by Fabrizio Terranova. Quoting from the website:

“Donna Haraway’s groundbreaking work in science, technology, gender and trans-species relationships over the last four decades is marked by her deep commitments to feminism and environmentalism. Refusing to distinguish between humans and animals and machines, she proposed new ways of understanding our world that challenge normative structures and boundaries. Her approach to writing is equally distinct, breaking with prevailing trends in theory by embracing narrative techniques in painting a rebellious and hopeful future.”

Check out the trailer at

donna haraway

Donna Haraway: Storytelling For Earthly Survival by Fabrizio Terranova

Outdoor screening begins around nine in the evening, on a cinema screen set up in a field of solar panels. We’ve got popcorn popped and cinnamon buns baked in a solar oven. Entry and snacks are free. Check back shortly for more info on the films to be shown!

The festival is arranged in cooperation with Art Lab Gnesta, who we’ll be working with some more over the coming year. Check out their site for info on an amazing greenhouse project, and a swamp biennale among other great things –

Our work with the festival is funded by Konstfrämjandet –

Gnesta Riso 1

Riso-printed posters, Gnesta



The Re-distribution Of Surplus

The Re-distribution Of Surplus is a folder we’ve just printed, containing simple instructions for anyone who wishes to assemble a solarpowered outdoor socialist cinema. We will hand out the first copies this weekend at the Climate Film Festival in Tanto, Stockholm.

folder 5

The re-distribution of surplus is briefly presented as a sharing of art and culture, and a sharing of knowledge – neither of which is consumed or spent when people make use of them. We are a small-scale operation, with strict limits on what we can afford to take part in, but we are very much open to assisting anyone who wishes to start up another cinema similar to ours.

folder 2

Printed on a Riso in two layers of soy-based ink. Thanks to Bonnie Fortune and Brett Bloom for introducing us to the wonders of the Riso many years ago!



On Rich And Poor Alike

The sun shines down On Rich And Poor Alike between May and September, as we engage in a longterm discussion on forms of commons together with  groups and projects like Trampolinhuset, Kuratorisk Aktion, Ensayos, Mustarinda Association, Sorfinnset Skole/The Nord Land and SIFAV. It’s all part of the exhibition project Communities in Conversation, at Konsthall C in Hokarangen (Stockholm). Our contribution has so far consisted in two parts, a slideshow and filmscreening on smallscale coalmining in Sweden during WWII, and a draft of a future exhibition contract between the Sunshine Socialist Cinema and hosting institutions.

The Sunshine Socialist Cinema is located in the countryside of Scania, an area which served as the Swedish coalmining district for several centuries. Originally, the coal was mined by only one corporation, Hoganasbolaget, but during WWII when Swedish imports were blocked, coal became scarce, and an exception was made: private persons were temporarily allowed to mine coal on land that they owned, in gardens and on farmland. These years, when 140 new shafts were dug, became known as the Klondyke period in Scania.

The Sunshine Socialist Cinema has started collecting photographs for a slideshow of images from the Klondyke period, and has also screened a section of the film Billesholm i helg och socken (1946), which shows some of the mines being worked by local farmers. We’ve received kind assistance from Billesholms Hembygdsforening.

In tandem with collecting material on the smallscale coalmines, we are also following the current process and debate around smallscale private production of solar energy, something which we ourselves are involved in. Together with Konsthall C, we’ve begun working out an approach to regulating our future involvement with art institutions who would wish to include the Sunshine Socialist Cinema in their programming. This involves mounting solar panels which could turn institutions into microproducers of their own electricity.



Two-part poster outlining an approach to exhibiting the Cinema in art institutions

(printed in soy based ink on a Riso)

Small Improvements

We’re getting ready for this years’ first outdoor screening in our original location, the village of Höja in southern Sweden. It takes place on Sunday July 14 between 21.00-23.00. We’ll be showing the video Pirate by Annika Larsson followed by a documentary on the art-activist group Voina, Tomorrow by Andrey Gryazev. In the garden there’ll be posters from Formfront on display. We’ll be back with more info on these films shortly, plus some weather forecasts.

Meanwhile, some improvements made to the stationary setup since last year:

support beams

Diagonal supports for eliminating traces of wobbliness in the bleachers. And:

extra panels

Two extra solar panels, giving us a total of 720 Watts per hour under optimal conditions. Enough for the projector and our new soundsystem.

It’s the Economy, Cupid!

We’ve done  a couple of public appearances during the fall to introduce and talk about the Sunshine Socialist Cinema, and recurring questions from the audience usually include “How much did the equipment cost?” and “How do you finance it?” Well – the solarpanel cost around 600 Euros and the projector cost around 500 Euros. We’ve worked without any financing so far (meaning we’ve paid for the equipment through working other jobs). But – we get free electricity now. What does that mean for our economy?

A solar panel of this kind will generate electricity for around 25 years (and after that too, only not at full capacity anymore). Let’s make a couple of assumptions before jumping into a mathematical calculation:

1. The price of electricity will remain the same from now on. It will not increase due to shortage of natural resources or demands for higher profit margins in power companies. It will not increase due to taxation in order to protect the environment. If the price of electricity were to increase, as it has for the last decade, solar panels would become more cost efficient than in our example below.

2. The cost of producing solar panels will remain the same from now on, and they will not become more efficient due to research into the technology behind solar panels. This is a s good as it ever will get. If a later model of solar panels would be more efficient than the models available today (if they were to produce more electricity at the same cost or at a lower cost), well, yes, they would be more cost efficient than in our example below.

On to the calculation. We’re looking at this really long-term. Let’s say we invest in one solar panel, spending 600 Euros. After ten years, it will have produced enough electricity to earn us back our initial investment (after ten years, it will have earned us 600 Euros). It will still work for another fifteen years, so everything from now on is bonus (another 900 Euros).

Let’s say we re-invest the 600 Euros we just earned back after ten years, buying another solar panel. We now have two of them, one of which will work for another fifteen years, one of which will work for another twentyfive years. After only five years, they will have earned us back our initial investment (the two of them together will have earned us 600 Euros in five years). To sum up – fifteen years after the initial investment, we have two solar panels, both of them paid for. One of them will work for another ten years and one of them will work for another twenty years. Everything from now on is bonus.

Let’s say we re-invest the 600 Euros, the same money as fifteen years ago. We now have three solar panels. After three years and nine months, they will together have earned us back our initial investment. Let’s say four years, to make it easier for us to count! So, nineteen years after the initial investment, we have all our money back, and three solar panels paid for. One of them will work for another twentyone years, one of them will work for another sixteen years, and one of them will work for another six years, producing free electricity.

Let’s just do one more round, even though we could obviously continue on and on. Here we go. We re-invest the original amount of 600 Euros, the same money as nineteen years ago. We add another solar panel, and now have four of them. The four of them together will earn us back the 600 Euros in just two and a half years. So. Twentyone and a half years after the initial investment, we have all our money back and four solar panels paid for. One of them will produce free electricity for another twentytwo and a half years, one will work for another eighteen and a half years, one will work for another thirteen and a half years, one will work for another three and a half years.

This is where we’re going.

Solar Cinema and more

More and more solarpowered cinemas around the world! The Dutch project Solar Cinema is touring Latin America right now, setting up local solarpowered cinemas all over the continent.

Solar Cinema

Solar World Cinema

Servers seem to be down temporarily, but you can also check out their Rio-workshop on this blog.


Then there’s the Sol Cinema, “World’s smallest solar movie theatre”, housed in a caravan.

Sol Cinema

And Gorilla Cinema, which will “take film where it has never been before”.

Gorilla Cinema

There’s OneWay Theatre.

OneWay Theatre

And Groovy Movie Picture House Solar Cinema, “the world’s first mobile solar powered cinema”.

Groovy Movie Picture House


Finally, Swedish artist Ida-Britta Petrelius has worked out an ingenious art installation with solar powered projections.

Ida-Britta Petrelius


Minimal Cinema presentation at IASPIS in Stockholm

The Sunshine Socialist Cinema held a presentation at IASPIS in Stockholm during the Open Studios 21-22 September. We made a brief introduction to the cinema setup and programming, screened the video A Ruda Road Movie by Marie Bondeson, announced our Open Call, and all of it through our new mobile Minimal Cinema. For more info on the Open Call, check the menu above.

The solarpanel produces 13 W per hour and charges a car battery. From the car battery and a 220 V converter we can then charge the internal battery of our pico projector.

The pico projector has an internal battery and holds a memorycard, which makes it an easily transportable filmscreening apparatus. It’s only about 13 x 6 x 2 cm in size. When the environment is dark enough, we can get an ok size on the projection, though obviously not as good as with our ordinary projector.

The solarpanel folds up into briefcase size. The whole setup cost us roughly 300 Euros for the projector plus 150 Euros for the power supply (solarpanel, battery and converter).

Solar Panel installed

A 230 W solar panel providing power for a 270 W projector, meaning that from two hours of sunlight in the daytime we get one and a half hour of film projected at night. We plan on adding panels to the cinema from year to year, so the capacity will grow continually.

For those curious about the efficiency of solarpanels, a 230 W solarpanel at 1,5 squaremeters will produce about 900 times its’ wattage in a year, so:

230×900=207000 or 207 kWh. per year

(and that gives us 767 hours of  projected film per year)

ABF 100 years

We’re attending two talks today at ABF, the Swedish workers educational movement, one on the responsibility of intellectuals in society today (17.00-18.30) and one on contemporary workingclass art (19.00-20.30). Tomorrow we’re checking out the display of solarpanels by EgenEl/ETC (11.00-20.00).

All part of the program!

If you want to meet up during these two days, drop us a line.