
sunsoccin blog house

Election results are in. You may be wondering whether our presence in the village of Höja in the countryside of northwest Skåne has affected the way people vote there. Has eight years of socialist and environmentalist discourse swayed any minds? Well.

så röstade Höja 2018

Good news first: the socialist party, V, has doubled their share of the votes, from 1.4 per cent to 3! Bad news then: every other figure shown above. The fascist party (yellow bar) now attracts one third of the voting citizens of Höja. The Green party lost half their local votes, from 4.5 per cent to 2.1.

Of course, this is partly our fault, and we will try to remedy things over the next four years. Hope you stick around!

sunsoccin street poster


We’re Back Online

kronartskocka 1Artichoke called Green Globe, technically not supposed to survive the Swedish winter, but now sprouting at the main facility of the Sunshine Socialist Cinema

After a lengthy winter break, we’re back in full force, both at the blog and in public space. Friday next week there’ll be a screening outside Kristianstad Konsthall, with three videos and a talk on the future flooded landscape of Scania. More info over the next few days, right here at the blog.

kronartskocka 2

Another artichoke sprouting. Technically, again, our part of the country went straight from what is termed meteorological autumn to meteorological spring (seven days straight with rising average temperatures between 0 and 10 degrees C), without any winter inbetween.

Coming up at the blog, finally, are the first three texts from various writers on the theme of what a socialist cinema could potentially be, and do, and mean. We’re very excited to launch this feature, which will reoccur periodically over the coming years. Our first three contributions come from John Jordan, Frida Sandström, and Lisa Rosendahl. It’s all part of our ongoing discussion on how to develop what we do here at the Sunshine Socialist Cinema. Check back shortly for the first entry!

kronartskocka 3

Artichokes are grown in the communist utopia of Marinaleda in Andalusia since the tending of them is quite labor-intensive, meaning that they create job opportunities – Marinaleda has virtually no unemployment, whereas the rest of Andalusia has an unemployment rate of 24 % (2018 Q1).


London: MayDay Rooms and Charles Mann

On a recent trip to London we managed to visit to the amazing MayDay Rooms in 88 Fleet Street.

The building is used as an archiving transit space, where historical material on protest- and social movements is digitized, activated or connected to movements active in the present, and eventually passed on to suitable archives elsewhere. Quoting the website “MayDay Rooms is a safe haven for historical material linked to social movements, experimental culture and the radical expression of marginalised figures and groups. It offers communal spaces to activate archives’ potential in relation to current struggles and informal research, challenging the widespread assault on collective memory and historical continuity.”

roof garden 1

The building contains informal meeting spaces which can be used by outside organisations lacking premises of their own, or currently engaged with the archive material. Here’s the roof garden, designed by artist Nils Norman, across the street from the offices of investment bankers Goldman Sachs.

roof garden mdr 2

We were given a generous and personal introduction to the organisation and activities of MayDay Rooms by one of the founders, Anthony Davies, over a cup of tea in the canteen.

canteen mdr

Lisa and Kalle in the Canteen

One of the documents that Anthony introduced us to was a soundrecording of Charles Mann, recounting his experiences working with a mobile outdoor cinema in 1930’s East End, showing Soviet films from a projector powered by the battery in his car.

Listen to it here

If anyone anywhere has any more information on the cinema of Charles Mann, please let us know!

The Cinema Of The People (Folkets Bio) Is Socialist

Folkets Bio, “the Cinema of the People”, is a Swedish organization importing, distributing and screening films in local cinema salons. It was founded in 1973, on the initiative of among others the filmmaker Stefan Jarl, to provide screening opportunities for films made outside of the bigger studios. In the first paragraph of the statutes of the association Folkets Bio, the organization is described as a socialist cultural association not affiliated with any political party, or in Swedish: “partipolitiskt obunden socialistisk kulturförening”.

The use of the word ‘socialist’ in describing the character of Folkets Bio has recently come up for debate among the local member associations incorporated in Folkets Bio. For the annual meeting in 2012, the Västerås section proposed that the word ‘socialist’ should be stricken from the statutes. It is motivated by two thoughts:

One, that everybody should feel welcome to the cinemas, and that they, regardless of their political position, should feel free to air their opinions there.

“Om vi vill att alla ska känna sig välkomna till våra biografer så måste det också avspeglas i våra stadgar. Vi måste visa att vi är en öppen förening där det är högt i tak och där personer med olika politisk hemvist kan ventilera sina synpunkter.”

Two, when looking for funding for the cinemas, the possibility of finding corporate sponsors should be considered. Corporate sponsors might be turned off by the thought of sponsoring a socialist association.

“Vi ser oss om efter möjligheter att få sponsorer. De flesta företag läser noga stadgar innan de lämnar bidrag till en förening och att då vara en socialistisk kulturförening innebär att de flesta inte lämnar några bidrag.”

The proposal was supported by the national board of the association, who added that not only private, corporate sponsors found the word ‘socialist’ troublesome, but that also institutions which provide public funding have a problem with it.

In our view, though, the two points seem to contradict each other slightly: all associations are not free to air their opinions, unless they are willing to manage without corporate sponsorship.

In a recent article for Swedish art magazine Paletten, Henrik Andersson writes about the ideologies behind different institutions providing funding for the arts. For example, the state committee Kulturbryggan which aims at exploring “alternative and creative” forms of funding for arts, and which annually distributes 25 million Swedish Crowns to various art projects deemed to be of an especially innovative character. Among the alternative and creative new forms of funding, let’s mention the thought of the artist as entrepreneur, creating new markets for themselves where none previously existed, or entering into fruitful collaborations with corporate sponsors.

We decided to apply for funding for the Sunshine Socialist Cinema from Kulturbryggan, and in our application wrote that due to the name of our cinema containing the word ‘socialist’, it seems unlikely to us that we will get any funding from private, corporate sponsors, and that although we are not affiliated with any particular political party, the ideological charcter of our cinema might possibly also make it hard to receive public funding. The application to Kulturbryggan was a test, of sorts. We were surprised to be granted a large sum of money in order to develop a mobile version of our cinema, in order to be able to screen films at “outdoors events like for example demonstrations and manifestations”. The panel of experts that study all the applications for Kulturbryggan, and provide recommendations for approval or denial, consists of professional artists, not ideologues, who look at the artistic merit of the proposals rather than at their adherence to any specific ideological agenda. Nevertheless, there are directives provided for them. Quoting the website of Kulturbryggan (in Swedish):

I Kulturbryggans uppdrag ingår att ”sträva efter att etablera samverkan med andra finansiärer”. (Dir 2010:77). Regeringen ser det som avgörande att bidragsgivningen ger incitament till finansiering från flera parter. Därför har man i bidragsförordningen (xxx) 6 § skrivit in att ”Krav på finansiering även från annan part ska ställas som villkor för statsbidrag. Om det finns särskilda skäl, behöver dock sådant krav inte ställas, om bidrag ges för att påbörja en försöksverksamhet eller för att vidareutveckla en projektidé.”