Minimal Cinema presentation at IASPIS in Stockholm

The Sunshine Socialist Cinema held a presentation at IASPIS in Stockholm during the Open Studios 21-22 September. We made a brief introduction to the cinema setup and programming, screened the video A Ruda Road Movie by Marie Bondeson, announced our Open Call, and all of it through our new mobile Minimal Cinema. For more info on the Open Call, check the menu above.

The solarpanel produces 13 W per hour and charges a car battery. From the car battery and a 220 V converter we can then charge the internal battery of our pico projector.

The pico projector has an internal battery and holds a memorycard, which makes it an easily transportable filmscreening apparatus. It’s only about 13 x 6 x 2 cm in size. When the environment is dark enough, we can get an ok size on the projection, though obviously not as good as with our ordinary projector.

The solarpanel folds up into briefcase size. The whole setup cost us roughly 300 Euros for the projector plus 150 Euros for the power supply (solarpanel, battery and converter).

Alternative Economics Debated in Copenhagen

As part of the Copenhagen Art Festival, on September 15:th a debate was held on economy and alternative economic practices with artist Kalle Brolin (one of the initiators of the Sunshine Socialist Cinema), chairman of Landsforeningen for Økosamfund Ditlev Nissen, Die Zeit journalist and editor Thomas Fischermann, and economist at Danmarks Nationalbank Niels Peter Hahnemann. Moderated by Judith Schwartzbart. The brief read:

“What is our economic reality? What views characterize the different economic agendas? What are the current considerations with regard to economy and alternative economic practice? How can we think economy in the future? And what economic communities can we and do we want to develop?”

Thomas Fischermann argued for the necessity of economic growth but using other standards of measurements, whereas Ditlev Nissen argued for a voluntary reduction of consumption. Look for both of these guys online.

And the Sunshine Socialist Cinema was introduced to a Danish audience.